Sunday, December 9, 2012

This week in Work Hard Play Hard

*Work Hard Play Hard Advisory*
12/10/12   -   12/14/12

Reminders and TO DO:
Take out your super calendars and notebooks!!!!! :)

1.  9 ½ days left - 5 ½ Peace days until winter break!  
2.  Autobiographies - Altered Books THIS Friday!
3.   FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jenn, Sarai, Joaquin, Anna + secondary contact
4.  Remember -  small groups - focused on our GAPS!! - organization, attendance - Friday:  _____________
5.  Carrie figure drawing class - Monday at 3:00
6. Plan “gym” - no gym last two weeks (12/3, 12/10) Trip and gym for 12/21
7. Community service update - community service log?
8.  “Secret gift giving”???

** ***** Always look at Blog for assignments.****************

Specific Students:
1.)  Bhry, Jenn, Anna, Joaquin and Angel - Get out into LTI’s!!!!
2.)  New Science Classes!!!
3.)  Emily, Bryant, Joaquin, Ginalys - Make up writing
4.)  Anth- we need to order parts via Brandee and see if we can be reimbursed.
5.)  Joaquin - Meg- Monday at 3:30
6.) Bryant and Emily - NYC Wednesday - all day
7.) Jenn - upload pics to Facebook from Gateway retreat, etc
****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!****
Next :  Bryant 12/30
Past Birthday’s:   Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anth 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, Bhry 10/5, Joaquin 11/16, Dasia 12/6

Sunday, November 25, 2012

*Work Hard Play Hard Advisory*

Reminders and TO DO:
Take out your super calendars!!!!! :)

1.  Narrative.Learning Plan.Gaps.Project Update - DUE MONDAY
2.  Autobiographies - Altered Book start Friday
3.  Start QR with Courtney this week!!  Lets be positive!  
4.  Start small groups - focused on our GAPS!!
5.  Weekly Health Center - we will be going to the health center EACH week/condoms
6. FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jenn, Sarai, Joaquin, Emily, Anna,
7. Learning Plans:  Just about the same from LAST trimester - add NEW RWL (Angel adds OLEEP) and Politics changes to Politics/Food Justice - this unit will last 2nd and 3rd trimester since 2nd trimester is SO focused on finishing projects we won’t be able to do VERY much with it.  
8.  Plan “gym” for weeks 12/3,12/10 ////// Trip for 12/21

** ***** Always look at Blog for assignments.****************

Specific Students:
1.)  Bhry, Jenn and Angel - Get out into LTI’s!!!!
2.)  Ginalys, Anthony, Bhry, Yasin, Angel:  ER Classes - check in Monday
-come up with a study time for you or your group (during iwt time)
3.)  Emily, Bryant, Joaquin, Ginayls - Make up writing - T/TH
4.)  Angel -Hand in AV application
5.)  Joaquin - Meg- Monday and Wednesday this week
****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!****
6.) Bryant and Emily - NYC next Wednesday - all day
Birthday’s this week:  None:  Next …. Dasia!! 12/6
Past Birthday’s:   Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anth 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, Bhry10/5, Joaquin 11/16

Monday, November 19, 2012

Work hard Play Hard
Post Exhibition
Narrative (with Gap Analysis)
Contract work, Learning Plan ,and Project Update

Congratulations  you successfully completed your exhibition!
The following FIVE expectations need to be completed by Monday November 26th.  We will go over this as an advisory and you have a meeting with me to make sure we are on the right track for 2nd trimester.  

1.  Narrative. and Gap Analysis
      -  Look at your feedback forms -
-  Answer the following in a minimum 2 page, double spaced, 12 font reflection ….

A).  What were THREE pieces of feedback you received that were POSITIVE about your work this trimester and the way you presented your exhibition.
B).  Your Gap Analysis is a list of your weaknesses and HOW you plan on working on these Gaps.  
B1)What are THREE Gaps you are going to work on next trimester?  (look back to the journal entry we completed on this too)
B2) List the Gap, WHY you chose that Gap, and HOW you plan on on working on that gap.
        ****  Attach the feedback forms!

2.  Contract work
    -  Make a NEAT list of contract work (typed) - List MOST important work FIRST
        -  90% of your worktracker
        -  LTI project started with project proposal
        -  LTI Blog updated with LTI logs

3.   Learning Plan - update for 2nd trimester
-  You can use the same document you used from 1st trimester.  Make Copy, save as Trimester2 learning Plan and start added and taking away.  

4.  Project work -  You should have …
      a. project proposal - completed and typed
      b.  timeline of work completed so far
      c. uploaded project work so far to blog
      d. next two weeks of work on timeline
5.  Exhibition sign in sheet and Facts.  
Hand in Exhibition sign in sheet with 3 facts you learned from each exhibition.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Exhibition Schedule:
*****Some edits -Please double check******

Monday 11/12/12 - No School - Veterans Day

Tuesday 11/13/12
9:15  Emily
10:30 Angel
12:30  Anna

Wednesday 11/14/12
9:15  Dasia
10:30  Bryant
12:30  Anthony

Thursday 11/15/12
9:15  Jennifer
10:30  Darrien
12:30   Chris

Friday 11/16/12
10:30  Erick**** move to 1:45 because of internship?
12:30  Sarai

Monday 11/19/12
9:15  Bhryana
10:30  Joaquin
12:30 Ginalys

Sunday, November 4, 2012


*Work Hard Play Hard Advisory*

TO Do this week:
Take out your super calendars!!!!! :)

1. Exhibition Prep!!!!!!

2. Attend Exhibitions - Don't forget to get signatures and write THREE things you learned for each

3. FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jenn, Sarai, Joaquin, Emily, Chris, Bryant, Anna, Angel, Yasin

1.  Don't forget to go to LTI's during exhibitions and keep up LTI logs!!!
2.  Election Day Tuesday - No school - Help someone vote (i.e remind them, walk them to the polls...)

Specific Students:
1.)  Bhry, Jenn and Angel - Get out into LTI’s!!!!
2.)  Ginalys, Anthony, Bhry, Yasin, Angel:  ER Classes
3.)  Emily, Bryant, Joaquin, Ginayls - Make up writing
4.)  Angel -OLEEP  Wednesday!

****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!  

Next Week
1.)  Next week YOUR exhibitions start!!
2. Next week - no school Monday - Veteran's Day
None this week:  Next …. Joaquin!!!  

Past Birthday’s:   
Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anthony 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, Bhryana 10/5

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Exhibition Expectations
Work Hard Play Hard Advisory
1st Trimester - 10th grade //  November 2012

Before your exhibition starts - have ready:
1. Organized Binder of any/all work - AS MUCH DOCUMENTATION AS POSSIBLE
2. Work tracker
3.  Blog

4. Prepared "hook"5.  Paper/pen - feedback

1.  Introductions -5 minutes
-  Who you are, - Your passion,

- Hook - preferably passion or interest based 
- Hand out your Learning Plan
-  How the trimester has been for you
-  What is Gateway (4 topics)?, -  Why do we go through Gateway?

2.  Real World Learning - 7-10 minutes
-  Overview of ALL RWL opportunities
-  LTI overview  

- BLOG!!
-  Intro mentor - picture or present at your exhibition
-  Plans for Next trimester
(Tie in Gateway)

3.  Real World Learning - Project - 7-10 minutes
-  Project Proposal
-  Explanation of project - include WHY
-  Project work (so far)
-  Plan for next year
(Tie in Gateway)

4.  Met 201 - 7-10 minutes
-  Worktracker - DISCUSS work production
-  Overview of …
-  Politics,  

-  Autobiography
-  6 Traits  

-  Journals
-  QR  

-  Gateway Retreat (4 areas)
-  Teens for Success (Kathy)  

-  Community Service
- Other (Trips, activities not tied to other "units")
5.  Reflective Conclusion - 5 minutes
-  Plans for next trimester, the year

- Gap Analysis
6.  Feedback  - Have a notebook and pen/pencil ready!

Monday, October 29, 2012

*New* Work Hard Play Hard Weekly Reminders

(On blog instead of google docs and paper version)

*Work Hard Play Hard Advisory*

TO Do this week:
Take out your super calendars!!!!! :)

1. Get ready for exhibitions - Hand in all work by friday - won't be excepted for exhibitions after that

2. Know when your exhibition is - and make sure your parents know3. FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jenn, Sarai, Joaquin, Emily, Chris, Bryant, Bhry, Anna, Angel, Yasin

******** Always look at Blog for assignments.****************


** Sarai and Bryant's Trick or Vote - Wednesday 3-9!!!

Specific Students:
1.)  Bhry, Jenn and Angel - Get out into LTI’s!!!!
2.)  Ginalys, Anthony, Bhry, Yasin, Angel:  ER Classes
3.)  Emily, Bryant, Joaquin, Ginayls - Make up writing
4.)  Angel -OLEEP  Wednesday!
5.)  Joaquin - Meg- Monday and Wednesday this week
****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!  

Next Week
1.)  Senior exhibitions start - exhibition prep for YOU

None this week:  Next …. Joaquin!!!  

Past Birthday’s:   
Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anth 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, 10/5

Friday, October 26, 2012

Exhibition Schedule - 1st Trimester, 10th Grade

Last Day to Turn in Work:    Friday 11/2/12

Exhibition Prep Week/Senior Exhibitions:  Monday 11/5/12 - 11/9/12

Exhibition Schedule:

Monday 11/12/12 - No School - Veterans Day

Tuesday 11/13/12
9:15  Emily
10:30 Angel
12:45  Anna

Wednesday 11/14/12
9:15  Dasia
10:30  Bryant
12:45  Anthony

Thursday 11/15/12
9:15  Jennifer
10:30  Darrien
12:45   Chris

Friday 11/16/12
10:30  Erick
12:45  Sarai

Monday 11/17/12
9:15  Bhryana
10:30  Joaquin
12:45 Ginalys

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meg's Gateway Retreat Reflection

What did we learn?
It feels like forever since I did this with my first advisory.  I wasn't sure what to expect with this advisory - would they take it seriously?  Do they understand the consequences if they don't take it seriously?

We discussed the four pieces to our Gateway year - Project work/depth, Community/Community service, Addressing our Gaps, and LEADERSHIP.  The students struggled to get into their work a little after playing in the Iron's Homestead autumn-filled grounds, but soon enough, they settled into the ideas we were presenting.

LEADERSHIP was our biggest theme - we wanted the students to know that everyone is a leader in their own way.  And what STEPPING UP looks like, depends on the student.  The 10th graders did an excellent job brainstorming what Leadership looks like to them .. in the advisory, the school, and the community.

I was happy when the students shared their frustrations ... and the parts in Gateway that make them nervous - like all the pressure to pass and feeling like they might have too much on their plate.  Fear is a part of this process and I am excited to work with everyone on how to get over these fears.

Teambuilding -- our advisories are tied ... Game is on!!!!
Roberto joined us to facilitate some teambuilding - Bombshelter, crossing the atlantic, and crossing the sand were all fun activities ... what did we learn from them???

My advisory learned that our ADVISORY GAP is COMMUNICATION (okay .. last year we learned this ... but these activities made it obvious!!)  So often we feel communication looks like this ....
Two people talking.
But it should really look like this .....
One person talking, one person LISTENING!!!!

We need to listen to each other ...  we need to stop talking long enough to hear other people and to care to hear other people.  We need to be strategic with our plans and support one another once we do start those plans.  We need to stop blaming other people when we are called out for not following the rules

In the words of Roberto "The BEST advisories are the ones that HOLD EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE!  It is not a 1:1 education with your advisor ... it is a 15:1 with your advisor and advisory!!!!  Use the supports around you and be supportive to those around you".

Monday, October 22, 2012


Start your project proposals!!!
At this point, we have gone over the project rubric and project proposal -

You should have the project proposals done by Wednesday - I will review and you will have back for Friday.  REMEMBER - we are comparing this to the projects you completed last year.  Bigger and Better!! More depth!!!!

Here is the link to the google doc -
Need to type it up?  When you open it ... go to"File" and "open in Google Doc" so you can type in the document:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Community Service!!

Community Service!!!!
Last year you had to complete a minimum of 30 hours - this year you have a minimum of 40 hours!!!
Some students have already been out in the community, volunteering - yay!!
I will start posting opportunities so you have easier access (I will also continue to email them to you).

Don't wait until the last minute to complete this - and complete hours together so it can be more fun.  Community service shouldn't be horrible ... you are HELPING people.  :)

Community Service Opportunity:

This year’s Jack O’ Lanterns Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo runs October 4th – November 4th(
Volunteer shifts are 5:00pm until 11:00pm. Fridays and Saturdays and October 7th until midnight (hooray!)
Volunteers need to report to the Main Gate of the Zoo at 5:00pm so we can be ready to go at 5:30pm for “…one of the most brilliant displays of holiday artistry anywhere in the U.S.” - - 2011
Tell your friends, family members, post it on FaceBook, invite people you meet on the street… form a team of volunteers or just sign up. Volunteers get 2 free tickets to come back and enjoy the event after their shift!
Let me know if you have any questions and what many, many nights (big smile) you want to volunteer for (hooray!)
Thank you for all that you do for the zoo!
Susannah Brooks
Manager of Volunteer Resources
Roger Williams Park Zoo
1000 Elmwood Ave
Providence, RI 02907


If you are interested in volunteering with the Obama Campaign - 

Phone banks are open 5:30-8:30 on the headquarters on Broadway, Providence.  They also canvass door to door on Saturdays ... only a few weeks to go!!!!!

Email Emily Amico - field organizer -

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Exhibitions aren't too far away ... keep that excel work tracker up to date (It's in your google drive!!)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ha ha ha - how much do we love this picture!!!  Darrien circa October 2011 :)  
Love ya Darrien!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This is the site where you can find the Romney 47% debate between CNN Live and Romney's campaign advisor .... (It's about half way down the page)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dasia Feliciano Internship:          September 18, 2012 I had an interview for...

Dasia Feliciano Internship:          September 18, 2012 I had an interview for...:          September 18, 2012 I had an interview for Sojourner House. I think the interview was good but it could have been better because I ...
We have the most amazing advisory ever.  We reside at the Peace Street campus in Providence Rhode Island.  We are going to take over the world!!!!