Before starting the second day of watching Food Inc. we filled out and went over the questions
(find it here: https://docs.google.com/a/metmail.org/document/d/15HGZuqrdxGYRn42XKvYSANDmKqg87ouPmKKZrHWALhs/edit)
After reviewing the questions we watched the second part (watched until 1 hr and 5 min)
We started the documentary Food Inc. We will be starting the questionnaire on Friday. Remember to take notes while watching ... (Watched the first 39 min)
We completed Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution -
Watch all of Episode 1 on Youtube if you missed any of it - and don't forget the journal entry's we completed on the videos.
We started watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and completed a journal entry on our responses... more to come in the weeks to follow ...
We watched Fast Food Nation and have started our discussion on WHAT WE EAT!!!!
OBAMA WINS!!!!!!!!
Now lets discuss his policies more!!!!
We are wrapping up this part of the politics unit - I hope you guys understand the elections a little better - we will continue to discuss issues going on in our worked and recap ideas like how our government was made, why our government is designed the way it is and what differences we can make in our communities.
Homework - due Friday 10/5
Find a piece of political literature - a video, article, etc to show the class. Make sure it is no more than two pages or less than 5 minutes so we have time to share. It can be any point of view and from any resource.
10/1/12 3 Branches of Government!!!!
Make sure you have all the notes for the 3 branches of Government - Meg is checking Friday 10/5.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... I'm just a bill!!"
10/1/12 Ven-diagrams!!!
We completed Ven-diagrams comparing Obama and Romney's views on their Stances, Economics, Domestic Issues, and Foreign Issues. Make sure you have notes on ALL four of those areas. Meg is checking Friday 10/5.
Those diagrams look awesome in the classroom!!!!
This is the site where you can find the Romney 47% debate between CNN Live and Romney's campaign advisor .... (It's about half way down the page)
http://www.classwarfareexists. com/romney-adviser-triples- down-were-a-nation-of-people- dependent-on-their-government/ #axzz27M9LMPIV
Week of 9/17/12
Go to Khan Academy.org and watch the "Electoral College" - Take two column notes, one column with notes and one column with questions about the content. It's a bit intense, pause and or re-watch if you need to.
Week of 9/10/12
We brainstormed what we want to know about POLITICS and ELECTIONS - What a great list!!! Chec out the chart paper in advisory to see what we said!
We've also started discussions on politics - why is it so confusing? why should we care? whats the point? You guys have great ideas!!
This is the site where you can find the Romney 47% debate between CNN Live and Romney's campaign advisor .... (It's about half way down the page)
Week of 9/17/12
Go to Khan Academy.org and watch the "Electoral College" - Take two column notes, one column with notes and one column with questions about the content. It's a bit intense, pause and or re-watch if you need to.
Week of 9/10/12
We brainstormed what we want to know about POLITICS and ELECTIONS - What a great list!!! Chec out the chart paper in advisory to see what we said!
We've also started discussions on politics - why is it so confusing? why should we care? whats the point? You guys have great ideas!!
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