Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This week ...

Work Hard Play Hard Advisory
Week 3/25/13 - 3/29/13
Reminders and TO DO:
Take out your super calendars and notebooks!!!!! :)

1.  March Dates to know - Plan Exam - March 27th This Wednesday, No more days off til April :(
2.  Non-violence - next workshop (#7) next Monday
3. Added to Worktracker:
- Post Exhibition Narrative Packet
- LTI Reflections 2/26-3/21
- QR - Recycle Center packet (No revisions)
4.   Community service update - community service log! - New Hours?
Opportunity:  Marriage Equality and Oceana Letters
Opportunity:  Monday after school - scraping outside wall
Opportunity:  WaterFire
Opportunity: Film at RICJ this TUESDAY
Opportunity:  Woon. River fishery
5.   Exhibitions Schedule:
- Incomplete: Chris - Tuesday
- Make up:  Erick - Thursday?
- Joaquin - Notecards
6.  Gym Friday with Peace street- yay!
************* Always look at Blog for missed assignments.****************

Specific Students:
1.)  Sarai,Anna, Jenn, Emily - FORMS!!!
2.)  Notecards for legislators from parents: Anna, Angel, Anthony, Chris, Em, Joaquin, Ginalys, Sarai
3.) Darrien, Sarai, Jenn, Bryant - Basic Skills Friday, not Wednesday
4.) Angel - don’t forget - OLEEP - permission slip …
5.) Angel, Jenn, Darrien - Brown QR - meet with mentor
6.)  Art class - Bryant, Ginalys, Anna - Starts Thursday
7.)  Bryant - shadow day Tuesday - be on time

****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!****

Next :   Erick 4/9, Darrien 4/11
Past Birthday’s:   Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anth 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, Joaquin 11/16, Dasia 12/6, Bryant 12/30, Anna 1/16, Angel - 2/13, Sarai - 3/16

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This week ...

Work Hard Play Hard Advisory
Week 3/18/13 - 3/22/13
Reminders and TO DO:
Take out your super calendars and notebooks!!!!! :)

1.  March Dates to know - Plan Exam - March 27th, No more days off til April :(
2.  Non-violence - next workshop (#6) Today
3. Added to Worktracker:
-  LTI Reflections during xo weeks
- Post Exhibition Narrative - Due next Monday
4.   Community service update - community service log! - New Hours?
Opportunity:  Marriage Equality and Oceana Letters
Opportunity:  Monday after school - scraping outside wall
5.  Wednesday - 3rd Trimester expectations - last trimester of 10th grade!
6.  Exhibitions Schedule:
- Incomplete: Chris
- Make up” Anthony, Erick
- Need to do missing pieces: Darrien, Jenn, Sarai Joaquin
************* Always look at Blog for missed assignments.****************

Specific Students:
1.)  Sarai,Anna, Jenn, Emily - FORMS!!!
2.)  Notecards for legislators from parents:
3.) Darrien, Sarai, Jenn, Bryant - Basic Skills Friday, not Wednesday
4.) Angel - don’t forget - OLEEP
5.) Angel, Chris, Jenn, Darrien - Brown QR - meet with mentors
* Chris See me.
****  Check your email … more specific reminders will be sent to you!!!****

Next :  Sarai 3/16 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erick 4/9, Darrien 4/11
Past Birthday’s:   Chris 6/28, Ginalys 8/21, Jen 9/2,  Anth 9/7, Emily 9/23, Yasin 9/28, Joaquin 11/16, Dasia 12/6, Bryant 12/30, Anna 1/16, Angel - 2/13

Friday, March 8, 2013

Post Exhibition Narrative, etc

Work hard Play Hard
Post Exhibition 2nd Trimester
Narrative (with Gap Analysis)
Contract work, Learning Plan ,and Project Update

Congratulations  you successfully completed your 2nd Trimester exhibition!
The following FIVE expectations need to be completed by Monday November 26th.  We will go over this as an advisory and you have a meeting with me to make sure we are on the right track for 2nd trimester.  

1.  Narrative. and Gap Analysis
      -  Look at your feedback forms -
-  Answer the following in a minimum 2 page, double spaced, 12 font reflection ….

A).  What were THREE pieces of feedback you received that were POSITIVE about your work this trimester and the way you presented your exhibition.
****  Attach the feedback forms!

B.)  List all THREE Gaps -
1.  How have you worked on these this year so far?
2.  What are your plans to continue to work on these Gaps third trimester?

2.  Contract work
    -  Make a NEAT list of contract work (typed) - List MOST important work FIRST
        -  80% of your worktracker
3.   Learning Plan - update for 3rd trimester
-  You can use the same document you used from 1st/2nd trimester.  Make Copy, save as Trimester2 learning Plan and start added and taking away.  

4.  Project work -  We will be completing in the next month and  a half
You should have …
      a. project proposal - completed and typed
      b.  timeline of work completed so far
      c. uploaded project work so far to blog
      d. timeline for completion
5.  Exhibition sign in sheet and Facts.  
Hand in Exhibition sign in sheet with 3 facts you learned from each exhibition.